

Delayed Pain From My Recent Car Accident

Car Accidents . John Whitfield

Immediately after a car accident, victims may have many obvious injuries, including broken bones, cuts, bleeding, and bruising. With adrenaline pumping, a victim’s body may be in shock, which can mask injuries that are less apparent the day of the car crash. Delayed pain may start to surface after the


The Likelihood of Developing PTSD After a Car Accident

Car Accidents . John Whitfield

Being the victim of a car crash can be a scary, stressful, and life-altering experience. You may suffer minor or significant physical injuries the moment the accident happened, but that may not be the only accident-related suffering you will experience. Victims of serious motor vehicle accidents have an increased risk


The Most Common Forms of Elder Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse,Personal Injury . John Whitfield

When people think of abuse, elder abuse does not typically come to mind; however, according to the National Council on Aging, approximately 1 in 10 Americans over the age of 60 have experienced some type of elder abuse. While there may be as many as five million elders who are


What Constitutes Medical Malpractice?

Medical Malpractice,Personal Injury . John Whitfield

Medical malpractice lawsuits are, sadly, a common occurrence in the United States. Medical malpractice occurs when a patient seeking diagnosis and/or treatment from a medical provider, is harmed when that professional fails to provide appropriate healthcare treatment. Most medical professionals and hospital systems make a small number of mistakes; however,


What to Do if You Experience a Back Ache After a Car Accident

Car Accidents,Personal Injury . John Whitfield

Car accidents have sadly become an everyday part of our lives as more and more drivers are on the roads in our ever-growing country. Americans spend more than one million days in the hospital each year as a result of car accident injuries. Many car accident victims don’t even know


What Is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

Car Accidents . John Whitfield

It happens every day. You turn on the news and hear about another car accident in which the at-fault driver doesn’t have car insurance. The driver that was hit may be left wondering what they will be able to do about their injuries or damage to their vehicle. Sadly, in


Motorcycle Maintenance Tips

Motorcycle Accidents . John Whitfield

Motorcycle enthusiasts know that having a well-maintained motorcycle is essential to remaining safe while on the road. Staying on top of motorcycle maintenance keeps the motorcycle running smoothly and extends the life of the bike for years to come. 


Tips for Reacclimating to Your Daily Commute

Car Accidents,News . John Whitfield

As more businesses, offices, and schools are reopening after the COVID-19 pandemic stay-at-home orders, many Americans are anxious to start commuting to work again. Commuting to work may not look the same as it did before the coronavirus. Some workers have been able to work from home throughout quarantine and


Dog Bites: What to Do After a Dog Attack

Personal Injury . John Whitfield

It’s true that dogs are man’s best friend, but dogs are still animals that react on instinct. Dog bites are more common than people realize, affecting more than 4.7 million people annually across the country. While common, dog bites can inflict serious injuries that can precipitate severe infection. Because of


How Long Do You Have to Make a Claim After a Car Accident?

Car Accidents . John Whitfield

Car accidents come with a plethora of questions regarding next steps, what options are available to you, who will cover the costs, and when you can file a claim for the accident. The first step in beginning to file a claim for your motor vehicle accident is to hire appropriate